Here are pictures of several hiking tours I did this past summer.

Nowadays, I can only find peace far in the mountains. Switzerland, like many other western countries, is flooded by immigrants. Quality of life is decreasing by the day as the competition for the limited ressources skyrockets. Even sharing pictures online has become a scare activity for me, as to not attract even more people to those rare untouched places.

I often wonder where this seemingly madness is leading us, except for an inevitable collapse of our western societies.

Gemmi, July.
Leukerbad, July. First one on the morning before herds of tourists flooded in.
Grand Saint Bernard area, July.
Lacs de Fenêtres, July.
Jaunpass, september.
Gastlosen, September.
Fouly area, september.
Fouly, september
Lacs de fenetres. While I was going dowhill, an idiot was screaming like a gorilla at the top of his lungs for about 10min, just because he reached a pass. That’s the kind of alienated society we’re living in.
Fouly, september
Fouly, september. End of a long day; had I not had family constrains , I would have rented a room and spent the night up there. On second thought, I think I would have stayed there forever.

Until next time.