Since august I’m dealing with a knee tendinitis, the kind of s**t that takes months if not years to heal. It was so painful this summer that I had to stop cycling entirely. Which threw my autumn bike plans out of the window.
Now that I’m finally able to ride more or less pain free as long as I don’t push too hard, the weather turned from bright to awful the exact moment my schedule allowed me for a bike ride in the mountains.
Instead of mountains pictures, enjoy autumn pictures from my area, before fog and dull weather settle in.

It’s been years (thanks pandemia) that we’ve been paying a visit to the Creux du Van. With the various travel restrictions, many people actually discovered the country they are living in and places that were notorious became so overcrowded that access restriction had to be put in place.
Regarding the Creux du Van, the pedestrian access has been severely limited. Before the pandemia stuff, we could walk beside the whole circus. Nowadays, it’s closed at 90%, to let the vegetation grow back. It means that all visitors are pilling up on the 10m2 left to enjoy the view.
I think it was our last visit up there for a while.

Instead, we stopped a bit farther down to look at the trees.