I guess no one noticed, but this website was down for the past two weeks. My host’s datacenter burnt to hashes and it took a bit of time to restore the mess. I can count myself lucky, as the datacenter the server was located, didn’t burn.
In the meanwhile, winter came back in Switzerland, not an unusual thing for march, but one has to be quick to enjoy fresh snow, as the sun is already strong, melting everything despite low temperatures.

A couple of weeks before, we had several sand storm and the landscape was quite unusual.

On a side note, I feel less and less motivated to share pictures, or videos or whatever. I mostly do it for myself, as a memory.
I ponder what’s the drive to share anything.
For me, it was to share the beauty I witness, but I’d rather have people see this beauty for themselves. Another reason for the lack of motivation, might be this overcrowded country. When I find someplace beautiful and not already invaded by stupid tourists, I prefer to keep it for myself. Until a few years ago, I would have been thrilled to share a new discovery, today, not so much.