A couple of days in the mountains to escape the drought and the neighbours dogs collection (8 so far, still counting).
It’s a relief to be able to sleep without interruption, without jolting every 5min or so because of a barking dog.
I’m not going to rant any longer about dogs and the crazyness that seems to have spread among humans.
Two years ago, I ride up to the Grand Col Ferret on bike. And was utterly disgusted by the outrageous amount of tourists. I mean, it was a grap of 20-30 people each 200m. A pain, and I swore I would never ride up there again.
Of course, I did the opposite and tried to climb to the pass again. But this time, I rode in early evening. What a joy! But I couldn’t ride up to the pass. Thanks to a poor physical condition and a complicated family planning.
Day two was a nice and easy hiking day with teenagers that want nothing but lay all day in their bed.
Day three was more unplanned, to say the least. I spotted a nice glacier lake, not that far from the chalet. The half ass plan was to climb up to the lake in 1hour and 30min for the downhill.
The climb proved to be way more complicated than I anticipated. First I had to wait for a teenager with a physical condition worser than mine (how possible?), then the climb was steep, almost vertical. Actually, it was more climbing than hinking at some place.
Of course, my idiot self royally ignored the tiny voice in the back of the head which wispered that at some point I had to climb down. With a complete lack of training and a knee whose arthritis level is elligible for a full knee prothesis.
I lamely abandonned my dear child somewhere in the climb and headed to the lake. Or tried to.
Not only had the lake shrinked to a pound, but it was almost unreachable. unless one is ready to crawl and climb for 45min.
The hicking sticks proved to be my saviors. Thanks to 6 months wearing crutches, I used them as..crutches to climb down the best I could.
One week later I still haven’t recovered my vertebrae number 5, which is currently in the process of joining with number 4.
And I’m not even close to 50 years old..