Sometimes I wish I could travel to these incredible places to photograph them. But quickly enough, I realize that most likely that not, I won’t be there at the right moment.
Visiting the same places over and over again, has several advantages, like being able to plan a shot more easily.
That one, for example. I discovered the scenery on a bright midday while riding my bike. I had this shot on my mind, then, like the framing and such. All I needed was to come back one late evening. And these moments can take years. As I wanted to include the raps field, I had a limited time frame. A few days later and it would fade.
We had the opportunity to visit the Luzern area, which is absolutely gorgeous.
The most impressive waterfalls in my area. I never get tired of photographing them. Though some readers might. Bear with me.
This is something new; macro photography. But I don’t like taking pictures (nor looking at them either) of insects and small disgusting (to my standards) things I’d rather not be aware of. So, I’m not going to take pictures of spiders, weird mushrooms and the like.
But we have these beautiful fruits, which I enjoy and take the opportunity to share before one of the children eat them all.