Some time ago, I was pondering which part the planing of my bike ride contributed to the fun of the whole experience. Recently, I had a two hours time frame to fill with MTB exploration and less than a few hours to come with a ride plan. My conclusion is; I need more time for MTB rides and planing is definitely part of the fun.
The reason I need more time while riding is because my hopeless self looses track of time when in Nature, it’s only when the GPS runs out of battery or when I look at the clock that I realize how much time has flight by. By the way, I hate having to look at the watch while riding.
Anyway, here you have the fall goodnesses.
This is how I distract the children when it’s pouring cats and dogs. No matter how old they are, splashing in the mud seems to always be a great source of joy. The latter not being entirely shared by the one having to clean the mess afterwards.
I had borrowed one the the children’s boots and was able to “walk” through the river.
Needless to say, I was a bit anxious about an unplanned bath for the camera.
A short bike ride near Motélon, Jaun area, Switzerland.
I dare not share pictures of the bike and what was supposed to be a human after 15km riding in mud. A “walking pile of mud” should have applied.
Because the ground was often wet, I couldn’t avoid all the “gifts” that cows left in their wake. Maybe “walking and stinky pile of mud” would have been more correct.
All alone.
One day, I shall explore those roads.