A bit of history for the curious; the Gastlosen (slang word meaning inhospitable) is a 15km long string of limestone. The rock, which is considered of high quality by climbing specialists, attracts rock climbers and mountaineers from around the world. The Gastlosen is located in Jaun, Switzerland.
The Chalet du Soldat is a small hut at 1752m high, at the feet of the Gastlosen, which was my destination of the day.
The climb up there was uneventful and easy, except that I woke up (again) in a bad vibe. Thus I was prepared for a day full of surprises. It started by enduring the ridiculously high number of cars (did I wrote already that this country is overcrowded?). If you wonder what it looks like, it is a constant traffic jam, no matter where you go. I still fondly remember 20 years ago where I could drive for hours, lost in thoughts. Nowadays, it’s like driving in a city, even in the country or the mountains. Cars everywhere. People everywhere. It feels like suffocating. We even considered moving to Canada, as we’re eligible. It may as well come true one day; too many people at the same place is good for no one. Welcome to Switzerland.
Now that my rant is over, let’s discover some beautiful fall colors.
The road to the chalet had some steep climbs, waking me up.
There is a hole in this string, called “Grossmutterloch”, which means “grand mother hole”. It was called that way because of a legend; it is said that the devil came to these mountains and one day, out of anger, he threw his grand mother on the mountains, leaving a hole. The legend adds that since then, the devil wanders up there, searching his lost grand-mother.
I didn’t met the devil. But I met hordes of tourists (you know, these walking with nothing but sandals on steep hiking paths), accompanied by dogs (did you know that dogs love chasing bikers?) and eventually the true source of evil (from my point of view); a brand new chairlift, carrying its load of wanderers up the mountains effortlessly.
Guess what is standing high on my to do list? Raising my vibration the best I can before taking any actions. Who knows, cars free days might happen?